P-05-981 Allow gyms and leisure centres to reopen, Additional  Correspondence – Petitioner to Committee, 07.07.20


Grateful if you could also take the below into consideration, this information has come following conversations with the private gym I am a member of:


We are keen to open as soon as possible and believe we can do this safely if we follow the safety measures other industries have adopted.


We have already implemented extra measures in addition to our pre-covid high levels of cleanliness.


These measures include:

* Forehead temperatures taken before entry

* Members only facility for ease of track and trace

* Significantly reduced number of members (40% of pre-covid membership)

* Extra cleaning and sanitising during the day (in addition to our normal cleaning protocols)

* All windows and doors open for ventilation

* We have 15 hand sanitising stations throughout gym

* Gym rules insist that members clean their machines after use using the Antibacterial spray and blue roll provided.

* Machines are put as ‘Out of Use’ to adhere to social distancing

* We have purchased an Electro Static Sanitising Sprayer machine especially for high contact touch points like dumbbells/barbells/kettlebells/etc


The WHO have declared that Covid is not transmitted through sweat. The risk of aerosol transmission will be reduced by reducing the number of people on site at any given time, plus extra cleaning measures and increased ventilation.


Another point gym owners need to consider is the Corona Job Retention Scheme (CJRS). As of August businesses must pay the Employers NI contributions. In September employers must contribute 10% towards staff furlough payment, and 20% in October. Without a date to re-open, gym owners will be thinking of making their staff redundant as they could be in a position where they have no income yet MUST contribute towards the CJRS.